A brainchild of Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Professor of Nanophysics at Aarhus University, Denmark, UNLEASH is a global initiative that aims to bring together the next generation of youth from across the globe, providing a platform to share ideas, build networks, and create innovative and scalable solutions to progress towards the SDGs. It has been hosting the Global Innovation Labs annually, with the previous editions being in Denmark (2017), Singapore (2018), and China (2019).
UNLEASH India 2022 focussed on seven different SDGs and though all of them are interlinked, I chose to work under the “Climate Action” track, (SDG 13) as I work in the domain of climate risk and adaptation.
Around 200 teams were allotted different tracks to work out an innovative solution for achieving the SGDs. The systematic and detailed innovation process had five phases: problem framing, ideating, prototyping, testing, and finally implementing, with “gate checks” at every stage.

Innovating for a Better Future!
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Innovating for a Better Future!
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Innovating for a Better Future!