CSTEP developed a roadmap to achieve  India’s NDC target of reducing its emissions intensity by 33%-35% of 2005 levels, while meeting our developmental goals. We examined the emission intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (kgCO2e/INR) by its two constituents: emission intensity of energy (kgCO2e/kWh) and energy intensity of GDP (kWh/INR). The latter was evaluated in detail to assess the role of energy efficiency in end-use sectors. The study found that in order to achieve the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) pledge, ongoing efforts in energy efficiency (along with efforts in alternate fuels and renewables) need to be rigorously implemented at the state level as well. The study analysed policy maturity towards NDC commitments in eight key states and recommended measures to bridge the policy implementation gap. The study was supported by the MacArthur Foundation.

Roadmap for Achieving India's NDC Pledge
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Roadmap for Achieving India's NDC Pledge
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