India’s Net-Zero Scenarios: Assessing the Influence of Renewable Energy Expansion on Grid Emission Factors
The future energy mix of India is poised for a transformative shift. However, the transformation is dependent on electricity demand growth, solar and wind capacity expansion, and phasing out of coal assets. This paper discusses three scenarios—BAU, pessimistic, and optimistic—for 2047 and 2070, considering technological changes in the renewable energy (RE) sector. The methodology involves computing installed capacity and energy mix using growth/decay rates and capacity utilisation/plant load factors, respectively, for different energy sources.
Can reducing emissions be the key to boosting dairy industry’s productivity?
India is home to 126 million productive cows and buffaloes, making the country the topmost milk producer in the world. Yet, as mentioned in the February 2024 Budget Session, milk productivity or milk production per animal remains low. As per the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, Indian breeds produce an average of 1,550 litres of milk per year, as against 10,000 litres of milk per year produced by those in the United States and Canada.
Swamped with Potential: Wetlands for Mitigation and Adaptation
World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2 February every year and underscores the need to save and restore wetlands and raise awareness about their crucial role. Wetlands are some of the planet’s most powerful yet underappreciated ecosystems. These ecosystems where water saturates the land, including mangroves, peat lands, marshes, swamps, and coral reefs, provide a wealth of benefits. They act as habitats for diverse plants and animals, protect shores from waves, reduce the impacts of floods, and even support local livelihoods.
Urbanisation, sewage, microplastics: Why many Indian wetlands are under threat
Approximately 4.86% of India’s land area is covered by wetlands – ecosystems that are often referred to as the “Earth’s kidneys” because they are crucial for maintaining an ecological balance. However, many of India’s wetlands are under threat due to urbanisation, domestic and industrial pollution, and unscientific land-use practices. Urban wetlands in major cities are particularly at a high risk due to rapid urbanisation and unchecked discharges from nearby dumpsites or sewage.
Developing real-world drive cycles for heavy-duty freight vehicles using on-board diagnostics data
Driving cycles or drive cycles are plots of speed versus time used in vehicle testing to estimate fuel consumption and emissions. They are representative of a typical driving pattern of a vehicle type on a route (terrain). For developing drive cycles, the speed data of a vehicle are collected by the car chase method or using on-board devices (such as global positioning system devices); on-board devices provide more accurate speed data at second-by-second intervals than the car chase method. We used on-board diagnostic (OBD) devices to capture accurate speed–time profiles.
Analyst/Senior Analyst
The candidate must be well versed in the technical and policy aspects of energy storage and its application in the energy and power sector. She/he should meet the requirements related to deliverables and project schedule, and should coordinate and communicate effectively with internal and external teams to meet the project objectives.
The Perform, Achieve, and Trade (PAT) Scheme
India’s ambitious national goals under the Viksit Bharat and Atmanirbhar Bharat programmes focus on continuous economic growth and alleviating equity and poverty issues. Energy, being the most important element driving economic growth, faces challenges like increasing demand, climate change, and pollution. The PAT mechanism under the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency aims to improve energy efficiency in industrial sectors. It involves setting energy-saving targets, implementing measures, and trading Energy Saving Certificates (ESC erts).