Climate Policy and the Poor: Some Perspectives
The article explores the effects that India's climate policy will have in the context of the country's existing development problems India is expected to face severe challenges as a result of climate change and these will disproportionately affect the poor and the most vulnerable The country's current climate policies nevertheless adopt an approach that seems unlikely to improve conditions for the poor, unless it shifts from a top-down, growth-oriented strategy towards prioritizing access to basic goods and services as a primary policy goal.
Ab initio Simulations Of A Novel Sodium Superionic Conductor
In the current study, using first-principles simulations, we present a case for a novel composition: Na10GeP2S12 (NGPS), for application in room-temperature Na-S batteries.Solid electrolytes can enable safer and high-energy density batteries than liquid electrolytes .Sodium solid electrolytes can help in reducing the shuttling effect , which causes capacity loss in the newly emerging room-temperature Na-S batteries.
Sustaining Engineering Informatics: Toward Methods and Metrics for Digital Curation
Ensuring the long-term usability of engineering informatics (EI) artifacts is a challenge, particularly for products with longer lifecycles than the computing hardware and software used for their design and manufacture.Addressing this challenge requires characterizing the nature of EI, defining metrics for EI sustainability, and developing methods for long-term EI curation.In this paper we highlight various issues related to long-term archival of EI and describe the work towards methods and metrics for sustaining EI We propose an approach to enhance the Open Archival Information System (OAI
A Framework and Case Example for Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of Information Services Across Technologies
This paper introduces a framework to examine the relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different information and communications technologies to deliver a range of social services, using a case example of rural Bangladesh. It focuses particularly on major sectors such as agriculture, education, disaster response and healthcare. A Community based radio broadcasting (CR) appears as the dominant option among the considered ICTs. Human intervention has been found to be crucial in both low (20%) and medium-high (60%) literacy populations.
Annotation in design and product engineering: an introduction to the special issue
The annotation of a document involves the embedding of data such as a textual note, a symbol or structured data in an original document at a specific location.The scope of annotations has been considerably enlarged by the latest developments in digital technologies allowing the manipulation of 3D geometry through a simple web browser and the combination of geometrical information with more complex semantic structures.The goal of this special issue is to explore a number of these particular challenges of the application of annotation in design and product engineering.
Materials and engineering: An evolving landscape
The evolution of materials; their synthesis, shaping, and performance; and the engineering of artifacts and systems to meet societal demands are inextricably interwoven. In this article, we describe an evolving scenario of the relationship between materials and engineering that provides a framework for the articles that explore various facets of this theme in this special issue of MRS Bulletin.
Public Policy Research in South Asia Nature of Demand
Evidence-based, rigorous, relevant and up-to-date research is vital to the public policymaking process; it enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of policy decisions.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory& Mitigation Study for Karnataka
Adoption of energy efficient measures would result in reduced demand for energy and thus lower emissions. This is perhaps the lowest hanging fruit among mitigation options. Lower demand translates into reduction in the addition of generation capacity. Towards achieving this, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power of Government of India, is working towards setting targets for industries and household appliances .Stringent implementation and adoption of mitigation measures can result in significant lowering of energy consumption and carbon emissions.
Harnessing Materials for Energy
This special volume of MRS Bulletin on energy is the first of its
kind in which the magazine addresses a major societal issue This
issue has contributions from energy experts from many countries
and reflects not only the growing global concerns on energy but
also the opportunities that materials researchers can tackle Some
of the new materials are already available, and many are or will be
under development Nuclear fusion might still be many decades
away, but already, there are experiments with new materials to
Indian food supply chains: a game and model to study economic behaviour
Food supply chains are vital for the societal welfare in India. Given the tremendous issues on food safety and security, more insight in the function of Indian food markets is needed. This paper introduces the multi-agent model on which the Mango Mandi Gaming Simulation is build. The model holds the major roles present in the Indian mango markets, and is in both it structure and processes built upon case studies of these markets.