Green hydrogen hubs in India: A first order analytical hierarchy process for site selection across states

Green hydrogen can be the transitional solution required to reduce anthropogenic emissions and enhance energy independency from fossil fuel. To improve green hydrogen adoption, a cluster-based infrastructure, called a hydrogen hub, is devised taking into account the demand-supply interplay coupled with transport ease. In this paper, we have identified sites across states that are conducive for hydrogen hubs.

Andhra Pradesh Power Sector: A Roadmap Till 2040

Andhra Pradesh's (AP’s) gross state domestic product stood at INR 1,201,736 crore (USD 157.36 billion) in FY 22. The power sector played a crucial role in supporting the state's economic growth. The state initiated power sector reforms as early as 1998 and was also the first state to sign the ‘Power for All’ agreement—the basis for power sector planning in AP—with the Government of India in September 2014.


The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency group at CSTEP is looking for consultants to work on a short-term project in Madhya Pradesh. The role will involve working closely with CSTEP’s Rooftop Solar Tool and widening the adoption of solar-PV rooftop in multiple cities in the state.



Pathways to Steer India’s Buildings Sector Towards a Net-Zero Future

In the face of the global imperative to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5 °C (above pre-industrial level), as outlined in the Paris Agreement, nations have been striving to transition towards a net-zero economy. This challenge is particularly pronounced for India, where the dual goals of fulfilling developmental aspirations and curbing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions pose a complex challenge.

Pathways to Steer India’s Buildings Sector Towards a Net-Zero Future

The buildings sector in India is a key contributor to energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. As  most of the buildings that will exist in India in the next 30 years are yet to be constructed, overcoming the challenges posed by the sector will be a deciding factor in India's transition to net zero. Therefore, it is important to explore the different decarbonisation pathways available to achieve India's energy goals.