Empowering Kudagaon with a Mini-Grid
In 2016, we at the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) were studying the electrification status of various villages in Karnataka. The exercise gave us interesting insights into the scope of employing technologies like solar photovoltaic (PV) mini-grids to electrify such areas, where grid extension is not feasible. This motivated us to further investigate the last-mile electricity solutions. For getting deeper into the energy access issue, we decided to implement a mini-grid pilot project and better understand the ground realities.
Kudagaon Pilot: Beating the odds
The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) implemented the mini-grid pilot project during 2018–19 in Kudagaon, an un-electrified remote island on the Mahanadi River, in the Angul district of Odisha, where three generations of indigenous people live.
At the Root of Stubble Burning
Punjab is at the heart of India’s agricultural success story. Buoyed by the Green Revolution and favourable policy measures, the state contributes to 16% of India’s agricultural exports. The Agricultural Export Policy (AEP) of Punjab, notified in 2019, aims to more than double the value of its total exports of rice, wheat, and fruits from INR 14,000 Cr to INR 32,000 Cr by 2027–28, a staggering increase of 233%.
Waste Heat: An Overview
For millions of years before human activity, the extent of heat radiated away from the earth remained largely unchanged, thus ensuring global climate patterns remained stable. Lately, the effects of anthropogenic climate change have become increasingly obvious in the form of increased incidence of forest fires, icecap melting, and hurricanes. The drastic increase in the levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere due to the Industrial Revolution has reduced the level of heat radiated away, thereby retaining more heat within the global climate system.
Behavioural Shifts in the Transport Sector
Emissions from the Indian transport sector currently account for almost 10 per cent of the country’s total GHG emissions, mandating significant sectoral interventions for attaining the ‘net zero’ goal.
Strategies to reduce emissions from the transport sector include electric vehicle (EV) adoption, shift to public transport (PT), and non-motorised transport (NMT). These typically require substantial behavioural change.
Which Model to Choose? Performance Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Models in Predicting PM2.5 From High-Resolution Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth
The mathematical solution to estimate surface fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD) includes complex variables and involves a bunch of assumptions. Hence, researchers tend to use training-based models to predict PM2.5 from AOD. Here, we integrated regulatory composite PM2.5 measurements, high-resolution satellite AOD, reanalysis meteorological parameters, and a few other auxiliary parameters to train ten different regression models.