Understanding the Solvation Structure in Bulk Electrolyte Solutions
Understanding the relationship between the interaction of ions in solution with the solvation structure and its dynamics and the bulk properties like ionic conductivity, viscosity, etc is of considerable importance. Solute-solute, solute-solvent, and solvent-solvent interactions play a crucial role in determining the solvation structure and its dynamics. The selection of suitable electrolyte can greatly impact the performace of electrical energy storage devices.
Research tools at CSTEP
A suite of tools to identify, analyse, and deploy renewable energy projects in India
Sustainability Analysis and Energy Footprint-Based Design in the Product Lifecycle
In this paper, we study the concept of energy efficiency and specific energy consumption (SEC) of manufacturing processes.
Platform for Integrated Sanitation Investment Planning (Proof of Concept): Review of decision support resources compendium
Effective decision-making support systems help decision makers in identifying, evaluating and choosing a technology that best suits context/conditions of a city/area/ward. In order to develop a tool which is of use to decision-makers, an evaluation of the existing support resources was considered necessary to identify challenges/gaps pertaining to content, design and usefulness of the resource in question.
CSTEP evaluated existing support resources for decision making, which include the following:
Nuclear Power in India: The road ahead
India's growing economy requires an adequate supply of energy. As per several estimates, India’s installed electric power generation would have to increase to 650,000 - 950,000 MW by 2030 to sustain economic growth of 8% - 9%. India can thus ill afford to disregard any energy source and nuclear energy is an important source of long‐term energy security.
Karnataka: Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide weighted by global warming potentials,
constitute by far, the largest part of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Of these carbon dioxide emissions, those that are produced from fuel combustion make up the great majority. The carbon dioxide emissions from burning biomass that a majority of rural households use for cooking is not considered, as biomass is considered to be carbon neutral.
Data Visualisation: On Think Tanks
Increasing urbanisation and per capita GDDP:
Karnataka is one of the most urbanised states in India; 39% of the state consists of urban areas whereas the national urban area average is 31%. Karnataka is expected to be 50% urbanised by 2026, and that would mean 33 million people to be accommodated
in the cities of Karnataka. Urbanisation and GDDP (Gross Domestic District Product) follow similar trends in growth. As the GDDP in the state has been growing, so has urbanisation. This relationship, however, also highlights the growing inter-regional disparity in economic
India's Aspirations for Low-Carbon-Dioxide Growth
A policy brief analysing India's aspirations of achieving development without leaving a massive carbon footprint.