The Importance of Selling Electric Vehicles and Their Batteries Separately
The roads have been cleared for a surge in two- and three-wheeled electric vehicles (EVs). On August 12, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) published a notification allowing the sale and registration of EVs without batteries. The move is expected to increase their adoption rates by dropping the vehicles’ price. In fact, delinking batteries from EVs reduces the upfront purchase cost by 30-40%, making their price comparable to or lower than conventional internal-combustion-engine vehicles.
Comparison of V4 and V3 CALIOP (L3) aerosol products: A global perspective
Gridded satellite products provide (computationally less-intense) opportunities to compare and contrast parameters from different versions/sensors. In the present study, Level-3 (L3) Cloud Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) aerosol products from the most recent release (version 4, V4) are compared with its earlier version (version 3, V3) products.
•CALIOP global mean V4 total-AOD is higher than the V3 AOD.
Digital DISCOMs: Moving Towards Efficient Operations
Interventions from the central government have saved electricity distribution companies (DISCOMs) from financial crunch numerous times in the past. The current pandemic has not only aggravated the financial situation but also shed light on the urgent need for a more digital approach. CSTEP’s ground-level study on the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) implementation in two DISCOMs in Karnataka underlines this.
Mobile-Monitoring Campaign for Air-Pollution Studies in Bengaluru
Stationary air-quality monitoring is a common component of understanding air-pollution; however, monitoring at one location fails to capture local variations in pollutant concentrations. In locations where emissions and concentrations exhibit fine-scale spatial variability, including in urban environments in India, characterising spatial variability can be helpful for understanding sources and potential solutions for air pollution.
COVID-19 fight: Personal accountability can tip the scale
Keep calm and carry on: This seems to be the reigning mantra during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) times. Though it’s advisable not to panic, playing down safety concerns can hamper people’s response to the threat of the virus and aggravate the crisis.
The recent upward trend in COVID-19 cases in many cities, including Bengaluru, Pune and Hyderabad, among others, has underlined the need for strict adherence to precautionary measures to limit further transmission of the disease.
Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment
CSTEP has developed the Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment to support state transport undertakings and electricity distribution companies in their decision-making process while deploying e-buses. This version of the tool aims to assess depot-based charging requirements for existing fleet operations.
Policy Matters - August 2020
A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.
India’s Climate Strategy — Need for Emissions Control
With the world waking up to climate emergency, most countries are looking at controlling emissions, including a reduction in Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Most mitigation measures take the command and control approach that relies on use of standards to achieve a change in emissions. These measures often take the form of environmental standards (such as National Standards for Effluents and Emission), and performance standards (such as Standards & Labeling Programme).
Design Thinking: Meaning and Application
To a layperson, the concept of 'design' is mostly limited to the visual and functional aspects of a product, with the former often taking precedence over the latter. When talking about the design of a product, we generally refer to how it looks, and sometimes, to how it functions. Naturally then, we understand 'design thinking' to be associated with the thinking that goes into the designing of a product. While this is true, it does not bring out the complete meaning of design thinking or its application potential.