H S Ramakrishna

Indian Power Supply Position 2010

India’s present installed capacity, 1,62,366.80 MW excluding captive power, allows for a modest per capita consumption of some 800 kWh/capita (CSTEP’s estimate). The mix is dominated by coal, which is only 53% of the capacity but higher when it comes to generation. The generation is insufficient to meet the demand, resulting in a shortfall of both peak capacity as well as energy overall (officially 12.6% and 9.9%, respectively). There is a large push towards increasing supply, with an aim of tripling capacity in the coming 1-2 decades.

IT Analysis and Roadmap for HESCOM

In this report, we examine current and proposed IT initiatives being undertaken by HESCOM, and suggest changes in the technology design as well as a roadmap for IT initiatives. The focus is not on technology details but high-level design and integration of these into the business processes and institutional frameworks of the utility. This effort is mindful of and compatible with R-APDRP initiatives, including those by the Empanelled IT Consultants.

Wind Power in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh - Potential Assessment, Costs, and Grid Implications

Till recently, the on-shore wind power potential in India was officially estimated to be 49 GW, out of which 17 GW forms part of the country’s mainstream energy mix. However, recent studies have indicated this potential to be underestimated. A few studies have estimated wind potential in India to be over 2000 GW and the official wind resource potential was recently revised to 102 GW by the Center for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET), at 80 m hub height.