Sandhya Sundararagavan

Evaluation of Prepaid Metering Scheme: Boost to Utility's Revenue

India’s present installed capacity, 1,62,366.80 MW excluding captive power, allows for a modest per capita consumption of some 800 kWh/capita (CSTEP’s estimate). The mix is dominated by coal, which is only 53% of the capacity but higher when it comes to generation. The generation is insufficient to meet the demand, resulting in a shortfall of both peak capacity as well as energy overall (officially 12.6% and 9.9%, respectively). There is a large push towards increasing supply, with an aim of tripling capacity in the coming 1-2 decades.

Karnataka Distribution Sector Landscape

The launch of Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) in November 2015 gave new hope to the ailing distribution companies (DISCOMs) in India. Karnataka signed up for UDAY with a view to improve its operational efficiency. The DISCOMs under the scheme have to reduce Aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses to 14.2% , and bring down the gap between average cost of supply (ACS) and average revenue realisation (ARR) to zero by 2019.