Anupam A Thatte

Harnessing Solar Energy: Options for India

The overall goal of the off-grid guidelines of the JNNSM is to achieve wider dissemination of solar
technology, and a generous capital subsidy of up to 90% is offered for rural applications Even so,
there are several bottlenecks to large-scale dissemination Primarily, the techno-economics,
financing and institutional mechanisms of several solar applications are not well understood
Therefore, these form a focus of this study In addition, this study looks at the Government of India’s

IT Analysis and Roadmap for HESCOM

In this report, we examine current and proposed IT initiatives being undertaken by HESCOM, and suggest changes in the technology design as well as a roadmap for IT initiatives. The focus is not on technology details but high-level design and integration of these into the business processes and institutional frameworks of the utility. This effort is mindful of and compatible with R-APDRP initiatives, including those by the Empanelled IT Consultants.