Recommendations to the Government on India's Official GHG Emission Estimation Process

To increase the reliability of India's national emissions inventory, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) must consider developing 'country-specific' emission factors using real- time measurements across all sectors. At present, many of the employed emission factors are either defaults or global estimates.

Decarbonising the Cooking Sector

The optimal approach to decarbonise cooking is to start using a clean and low-carbon fuel. It is essential to ensure that the shift to modern, clean cooking fuels and the use of energy-efficient technologies go hand-in-hand. Transition to electricity-based cookstoves will offer similar or higher decarbonisation outcomes and lower the risks on energy security.

    Karnataka: Greenhouse Gas Inventory

    Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide weighted by global warming potentials,
    constitute by far, the largest part of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Of these carbon dioxide emissions, those that are produced from fuel combustion make up the great majority. The carbon dioxide emissions from burning biomass that a majority of rural households use for cooking is not considered, as biomass is considered to be carbon neutral.

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory& Mitigation Study for Karnataka

    Adoption of energy efficient measures would result in reduced demand for energy and thus lower emissions. This is perhaps the lowest hanging fruit among mitigation options. Lower demand translates into reduction in the addition of generation capacity. Towards achieving this, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power of Government of India, is working towards setting targets for industries and household appliances .Stringent implementation and adoption of mitigation measures can result in significant lowering of energy consumption and carbon emissions.