Fossil fuels are deeply tied to electricity generation, industrial operations, and transportation among other crucial sectors and cannot be easily dissociated from energy use. CSTEP focuses on a greater integration of renewables and reduction of waste energy in such sectors. This includes working with utilities to improve rooftop solar penetration, mapping potential of various renewables across the country, and analysing energy usage of MSMEs to reduce their fossil fuel consumption.

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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
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Decarbonising the MSME manufacturing sector in India

Small industries or micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a crucial sector in India’s development. They have a large carbon footprint, partly because of the nature of energy consumption, with over 80% of the energy consumed being required for thermal processes to produce heat (e.g. in boilers and furnaces). These thermal energy demands have traditionally been met through fossil fuel sources (such as coal, natural gas, and pet coke), making MSMEs a hard-to-abate sector.

Press Release: Scope for deep decarbonisation in the MSME manufacturing sector

Bengaluru, 28 June 2024: The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to 31% of India’s gross domestic product, almost 50% of exports, and 57% of all employment in manufacturing sectors, making them crucial to the economy. However, they are highly energy- and emission-intensive.

Scope for deep decarbonisation in the MSME manufacturing sector

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) industries are still majorly dependent on fossil fuels for their energy requirements, making them particularly susceptible to increasing fuel prices. With energy costs having a substantial share in the overall manufacturing costs, the need for sustainable alternatives is crucial. Decarbonisation of MSMEs is necessary to reduce fossil fuel dependency in the industrial sector.

A straw in the wind - Will achieving grid parity propel India’s offshore wind?

India is endowed with a 71 GW offshore wind potential, as per the assessment by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), but the country is yet to set up its first offshore wind plant. In a timely move, the Government of India has initiated bids for offshore wind development of a 4 GW capacity recently.

Integrated Value Chain Approach for Agrivoltaic Systems

The narrative on agrivoltaics (agriPV) primarily revolves around farmers, recognising their central role in integrating solar energy with agriculture. Increasing farmer incomes and other co-benefits is a critical component in any government plan for agriPV across the globe. However, in a country as diverse as India, it is crucial to explore innovative strategies for agriPV that go beyond the farmer-centric business model. In this context, engaging companies working in the agricultural space can be instrumental for the advancement of agriPV.

Towards Net Zero 2070 Through Sustainable Battery Storage Adoption in India

India's commitment to the EV30@30 initiative that targets at least30% of vehicle sales to be electric by 2030 translates into adding24 million two-wheelers, 2.9 million three-wheelers, and 5.4 million four-wheelers to its EV fleet by 2035. To meet this demand and reduce its reliance on global EV-component markets, India requires around 3,400-4,100 GWh of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) by2035, estimates the International Council on Clean Transportation.