A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy: An Interim Report

As a large developing country, India’s challenge is to meet its development aspirations in a carbon-constrained world This study, undertaken by the Centre for Study of Science Technology and Policy (CSTEP) uses Sustainable Development (SD) as the overarching framework and aims at equitable access to energy, clean air and water, food, health and livelihoods and economic growth The study connects elements of SD in an integrated bottom-up approach to understand the implications for economy, energy trajectories, emissions and costs

India's Quest for Energy Security

There are no easy answers to India's quest for energy security with environmental sustainability. The electric power sector appears to be more  manageable, given India's thrust in nuclear power. The coming decades might see large additions in nuclear power generation capacity without
significantly increasing the CO2 emissions. The Indo-US nuclear agreement provides an opportunity to import LWRs and gives India time to commercialize the FBR and thorium-based reactors. At the same time, it will help to reduce India's dependence on coal to some extent.