Roadmap for Karnataka's Power Sector - Vision for 2021-22

The State’s capacity addition plans seem inadequate to meet projected demand in the next 5 years. If the current situation continues, the State is likely to face about 21-26% annual energy shortfall (12,000 – 18,000 Million units) and 15-17% peak shortfall (~ 2000 MW) in the short-term (2 years) and 13-8% (~10,000 Million Units) and 16% (~2500 MW) in the medium term (5 years). This is after  accounting for all likely capacity addition. This implies that the State will have to rely on widespread load shedding or rely on short-term power purchases.

Mobility & Urban Poor

Policy should focus onthe disaggregated needs of the public system, integrating land use and transport.Improvements to Non-Motorized Transit facilities with emphasis on importance of pedestrians Improvements to the bus system includes pricing, timing and awareness of service quality Social impact studies (positive & negative) of major projects should be mandatory, inclusive and participatory.

Platform for Integrated Sanitation Investment Planning (Proof of Concept): Review of decision support resources compendium

Effective decision-making support systems help decision makers in identifying, evaluating and choosing a technology that best suits context/conditions of a city/area/ward. In order to develop a tool which is of use to decision-makers, an evaluation of the existing support resources was considered necessary to identify challenges/gaps pertaining to content, design and usefulness of the resource in question.
CSTEP evaluated existing support resources for decision making, which include the following:

Karnataka: Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide weighted by global warming potentials,
constitute by far, the largest part of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Of these carbon dioxide emissions, those that are produced from fuel combustion make up the great majority. The carbon dioxide emissions from burning biomass that a majority of rural households use for cooking is not considered, as biomass is considered to be carbon neutral.

Civil Nuclear Liability Bill

With a growing nuclear power programme, it is essential for India to enact a legislation which covers all aspects of civil liability in a transparent manner In the unlikely event of an accident, the operator liability is absolute in international practice. This ensures timely availability and disbursement of compensation to the victims. Bearing in mind that the major accidents in the past were mainly due to gross error on the part of operations personnel, there should be a renewed emphasis on operators’ education and training.

Integrated Urban Sanitation Decision Support Tool

This report is a prelude to the development of a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) decision support tool that will aid cities in providing cost-effective, inclusive and sustainable sanitation options for all with a particular emphasis on the urban poor This is proposed to be achieved through an integrated assessment framework of alternative sanitation technologiesA PoC decision support tool is planned to be developed, with an aim to facilitate an integrated approach to the sanitation investment planning process for ULB in India The PoC tool is envisioned to provide stakeholders the information and kno