Climate adaptation is a dynamic and complex process. This includes risk assessment, adaptation planning, implementation, and monitoring at different scales. Adaptation strategies vary according to specific types of climate hazards, geographical scales, and time frames. However, limited knowledge while dealing with several uncertainties is a major challenge. CSTEP's scientific strategies can help policymakers design and prioritise adaptation measures to meet our climate agenda.

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Adaptation and Risk Analysis
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Adaptation and Risk Analysis
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Adaptation and Risk Analysis
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Building Smart Cities in India: An opportunity for strategising urban development

Problem highlights:
Lack of clarity on smart city concept in the Indian context
Increasing intra and inter-regional disparity despite increasing urbanisation
Urban development strategies not effectively integrated with overall national/ state development agenda
Proposed solutions:
Constitute smart city working group at state and city level including all stakeholder representatives
Select pilot cities to achieve spatial inclusiveness and create exemplars for best practices

Integrated Urban Sanitation Decision Support Tool

This report is a prelude to the development of a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) decision support tool that will aid cities in providing cost-effective, inclusive and sustainable sanitation options for all with a particular emphasis on the urban poor This is proposed to be achieved through an integrated assessment framework of alternative sanitation technologiesA PoC decision support tool is planned to be developed, with an aim to facilitate an integrated approach to the sanitation investment planning process for ULB in India The PoC tool is envisioned to provide stakeholders the information and kno

Affordable Housing in Urban India

This policy briefs about the problems in urban areas and proposes solutions some highlights are here: Problem Highlight:
• 65 million Indians live in slums or substandard housing
• Prohibitive costs of private housing projects make them unaffordable
Proposed Solutions:
• Bank loans for purchasing land for affordable housing
• Reduce land costs through higher FSI/FAR provision
• Lower registration charges
• Shorter approval cycle

Creating Sustainable Urban Systems: Need for Redesigning Indicators for Urban Infrastructure and Services

The process of infrastructure project determination is often inadequate leading to outcomes that do not address the intended purpose and/or have unintended consequences. As the world and India commit towards charting a more sustainable development path, there is a need to take a ‘ relook’ at the outcomes of a project from a ‘sustainability’ perspective. This paper presents a framework which elaborates on key sustainable development principles in the context of urban development.

Technology Options for the Sanitation Value chain

The purpose of the compendium is to provide information on sanitation technologies from across the sanitation value chain The compendium details the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the different technology options, and also describes the different types of systems formed as a combination of the technologies, addressing all stages of the value chain These technologies have been included in the Technology Decision support Tool for Sanitation (SANITECH), developed by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) The document was compiled based on literature re

Integrating Gender in Sanitation

By mobilising community platforms to identify sanitation issues and empowering them to access facilities through the municipality, the Intersectionality-Informed Gender Integration in Sanitation project is enabling sanitation for all in three towns of AP (Anantapur, Kovvur, Narsapur).