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Hunger pangs on the rise

The data on malnutrition, stunting, and wasting in children across states in India emerging from the first phase of the National Family Health Survey 5 (2019-2020) is Dickensian in scope and sentiment. The spectre of hunger and starvation, worsened by the ongoing pandemic and the subsequent loss of livelihoods, is spawning Oliver Twists, who subsist on thin gruels, with little nutrition thrown in.

Dr Jai Asundi Speaking to The Hindu on How Waste Management and Cleaner Transport Can Help Realise Clean Air in India

Transport options driven by fossil fuels, poor waste management (due to waste burning), emissions from industry, and road dust are among the top common components of air pollution in the non-attainment cities.

Speaking to The Hindu, Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) Executive Director Jai Asundi said the think-tank was making customised clean air action plans for non-attainment cities across the country whose air quality do not conform to the national ambient air quality standards.

Deciphering India’s Climate Goals

Global warming due to the greenhouse effect mostly stems from increased fossil-fuel consumption, and the resultant CO2 emissions. This is a matter of global concern, making it difficult for India to follow the fossil fuel-heavy development path adopted by the developed world. Historically, industrialization and development have been driven by the power sector. Adopting a new development model will be a challenge for India.