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Planning for the Commission

the Commission should serve the government with informed studies, its analyses should be
objective and the results not be dictated by the compulsions of government mandates. This is very
important to ensure the credibility of the institution. Ensuring such independence requires that the GRC
is not entirely dependent on government grants and has an entrepreneurial funding model, based on its
performance. We believe that the above will transform the Commission into a vibrant, high- quality and decisive

Civil Nuclear Liability Bill

With a growing nuclear power programme, it is essential for India to enact a legislation which covers all aspects of civil liability in a transparent manner In the unlikely event of an accident, the operator liability is absolute in international practice. This ensures timely availability and disbursement of compensation to the victims. Bearing in mind that the major accidents in the past were mainly due to gross error on the part of operations personnel, there should be a renewed emphasis on operators’ education and training.

Guest Editorial: Special issue on Engineering Informatics

The paper titled “Engineering Complex, Information-based,Networked Industrial Systems: A Research Roadmap” by Albert Jones et al argues for a new and different approach to design and understand what they termed as complex information-based networked industrial _CINI_ systems. The authors borrow concepts and principles from physical systems and living systems to model and simulate CINI systems. They describe the four major model building activities of engineers that relate to CINI systems, namely, topology, behaviour, decisions, and information.

The Pugh Controlled Convergence Method: Model-based evaluation and implications for design theory

This paper evaluates the Pugh Controlled Convergence method and its relationship to recent developments in design theory. Computer executable models are proposed simulating a team of people involved in iterated cycles of evaluation, ideation, and investigation.