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Time to Turn Nature Smart

Another Earth Day is upon us, reminding us how closely interlinked human, animal, and environmental health are. The theme for this year, ‘Restore Our Earth’, is yet another appeal to us—the inhabitants of this magnificent planet—to make earnest attempts at promoting harmony with nature.
Interestingly, nature itself holds vital cues on how we can go about it.

Streamlining the hydrogen ecosystem is essential for India to achieve net-zero targets

Electrolysers used in the production of hydrogen from water are electrochemical energy-conversion devices. These find application in most areas requiring decarbonisation, with higher potential in sectors such as transport and power, which are currently carbon-intensive.

Replacement Of Thermal Power With Renewables By 2025 Ambitious or Achievable?

The push for clean energy transition as an effective climate action strategy is intensifying. Since fossil fuels—which include coal, lignite, and liquefied natural gas (LNG)—are major greenhouse gas producers, they will have to be replaced with cleaner sources of energy production, broadly known as renewables (solar, wind, and hydro). In addition, natural gas, which is significantly less carbon-intensive as compared to coal, is being used as a lower-emission fuel during the energy transition.

Scientific approaches to air pollution are helping us save lives

It has been a slow journey, but the pace of air pollution studies is now picking up, and with it, our ability to save lives. Several nations have established standards to monitor air pollution and ensure that it remains within limits. Scientific understanding of various pollutants and their effect on human health has helped us develop ideal standards for safer and good quality air. In 2021, WHO revised the standards for pollution levels after research suggested that even small amounts of pollutants were detrimental to our health.