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Assessment Framework to Identify Location for Public Charging Stations

Karnataka is at the forefront of the EV revolution in India, with the state government’s Karnataka Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage Policy, 2017, targeting 100% EV penetration in the IPT segment in Bengaluru by 2030. Though the current share of passenger transport vehicles (three-wheelers, cabs, and public buses) of the total registered vehicles in Bengaluru is ~10%, the daily distance travelled by these vehicles is significantly high (private cars and two-wheelers run ~10 km and autorickshaws/cabs run ~150–300 km per day).

Technology Assessment Framework: Methodology Note

Technology plays a crucial role in realising the sustainable development goals of India. In this context, the government has introduced various policies to support indigenous development of technology, and strengthen collaborations with foreign entities for technology sourcing and development. However, technology implementation may have some negative impact on the environment during various phases of development.