India's road transport sector is a significant contributor to both fossil-fuel consumption and air pollution. As India strives for energy independence and aims to achieve net-zero emissions, it becomes crucial for the country to transition towards clean vehicle technologies powered by renewable energy sources. To support this transition effectively, a range of technologies, strategies, and policies are necessary. CSTEP, through its rigorous technical and policy research, develops evidence-based strategies to enable India's green energy transition.

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Green Mobility
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Green Mobility
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Green Mobility
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A Dialogue on Advancing Electric Vehicle Adoption in India's Road Freight Sector

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) organised a closed-door discussion on advancing the adoption of electric vehicles in India's road freight sector on 16 June 2023 at the CSTEP office in Bengaluru


Eminent panellists discussed key technology challenges in the electrification of freight vehicles and how technology enablers can deploy electric trucks in India in the near future.