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Simulation, Planning and Operational Platform for Emergency Management Systems II (SIMPLANEMS II)

CSTEP undertook a project to develop a platform that would help model the scale and impact of disasters and provide analysis, tools and exercises to handle it. The researchers examined processes that will help refine procedures for institutional arrangements, resources and asset management. The platform envisaged in the project, called the "Living Lab", can be the central location for the Emergency Management System where all major decisions are made.

Skilling India's Workforce

This policy brief highlights the problems facedand the skills required to sought them Problem Highlight:
 India needs to 500 million trained
workers by 2022
 Current capacity and skill levels
are inadequate
Proposed Solutions:
 Strengthen existing institutions
and hold them responsible
 Have a single agency to
coordinate training programmes
 Create more inclusive programmes

Nuclear Liability: Why, How and How Much

Most countries with nuclear power programes have enacted legislation to cover the liability in the event of a nuclear accident and
are also party to one of several international conventions such as the Vienna Convention, the Paris Convention, and the Convention on
Supplementary Compensation (CSC). India stands out with neither a national liability legislation, nor membership in one of the international
conventions. The government is fully responsible for compensation in the event of a nuclear accident in any of the current reactors.

Sustainable Think Tanks

The Sustainable Think Tanks project documents the transformative role that the Think Tank Initiative (TTI) has played in the life of think tanks. CSTEP was one of the 43 think tanks from all over the world selected for the TTI grant. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the value of core support in strengthening think tanks in ways unparalleled by project funding, particularly in creating conditions for long-term sustainability, strengthening organisational systems, and enhancing the effectiveness of think tanks.

Developing a GIS-based Plume Rose for Industrial Chemical Incident Preparedness and Response

The variable nature of wind speed and direction affects the critical zones of chemical incidents (spills and effluents). We describe a method to develop a GIS-based “plume rose” using its corresponding wind rose to map the areas that might be affected by a chemical release incident. The plume rose can thus be used in the preparation and response phases of emergency management for an industrial chemical incident. In this study, we examine an industrial region in Bangalore, India and show that seasonal variation in winds significantly change the nature (size and direction) of the plume rose.

A simple explicit model approximating the relationship between speed and density of vehicular traffic on urban roads

With the increase in simulation of urban environments for the purpose of planning, modelling vehicular traffic has become important. While empirical evidence on traffic flow is relatively sparse, models representing the same are being increasingly used for planning urban roads and environments. In this paper, a simple explicit model is proposed to approximate the speed versus density of vehicular traffic flow.

Using the Gini Index to Measure the Inequality in Infrastructure Services Provided within an Urban Region

In this article, we suggest the use of the Gini Index to measure the inequality in infrastructure services provided within an urban region. We develop a functional form for the Lorenz Curve, the basis of measurement of the Gini Index. The sparse nature of data available to measure the distribution of infrastructure services within an urban region results in a challenge in estimating the Lorenz Curve.