Our work encompasses the analysis of ambient air pollutants using reference- or research-grade instruments and low-cost sensors. We go beyond PM mass concentrations to investigate aerosol composition with state-of-the-art filter-based laboratory analysis and in-situ instrumentation. Our expertise in the proper, science-guided use of these techniques is obtained by conducting field campaigns, source apportionment studies, and systematic evaluations of low-cost sensors, as well as literature reviews. We share this knowledge with the wider community through capacity-building workshops, data portals, and scientific publications. Our data are used to inform policy and support model development.

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Atmospheric Composition Observations
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Atmospheric Composition Observations
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Atmospheric Composition Observations
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Multi-season mobile monitoring campaign of on-road air pollution in Bengaluru, India

Mobile monitoring can supplement regulatory measurements, particularly in low-income countries where stationary monitoring is sparse. Here, we report results from a ~ year-long mobile monitoring campaign of on-road concentrations of black carbon (BC), ultrafine particles (UFP), and carbon dioxide (CO2) in Bengaluru, India. The study route included 150 unique kms (average: ~22 repeat measurements per monitored road segment).